With its huge market, better infrastructure, stronger industrial support capacity and fair market environment, China has attracted more and more multinational companies to invest in the country and offered more and more opportunities to businesses in the Asia-Pacific region. 中国巨大的市场容量、不断完善的基础设施、日臻完备的产业配套能力、公平竞争的市场环境正在吸引越来越多跨国企业到中国投资兴业,也为亚太工商界提供了更多商机。
Diversification is thus largely dependent on an expected massive surge in Chinese investment into the region which, in theory, should help build local industrial capacity and manufacturing supply chains. 于是中亚经济的多元化很大程度上依赖于一个预期&中国对该地区投资的大量激增。这些投资在理论上应有助于提高当地工业产能,帮助当地建立制造业供应链。
In this China is uniquely positioned to help as another continent-sized nation with expertise in infrastructure and excess industrial capacity looking for a market. 在这方面,中国拥有独特的优势,因为与巴西一样幅员辽阔的中国既有基建方面的专长,又有正在寻找市场的过剩工业产能。
Past attempts by central planning agencies to reduce industrial capacity by fiat have similarly ended in tears, as plant bosses and the banks that lend to them almost always chose to expand rather than face closure. 中央规划部门以往试图通过行政指令削减工业产能的举措同样以失败告终,因为工厂老板和为工厂提供贷款的银行几乎总是会选择扩张产能,而不是坐等被关闭。
Policies directly tied to reducing pollution rather than cutting industrial capacity have generally been more effective. 把政策目标直接放在减少污染、而不是削减工业产能,效果通常更好。
As investment slows, the growth in industrial capacity, which has been the main source of expansion from the supply side, will drop; 随着投资放缓,工业产能的增速将会下滑,而工业产能一直是供应方增长的主要来源;
Given that industrial capacity is already too high, privatisation is the answer. 鉴于工业产能已经过高,答案是私有化。
A series of indexes, from input, output, and performance, to evaluate industrial competitive capacity are selected, and then established an evaluating model of equipment manufacturing. 选取了一系列指标,从投入、产出和市场绩效三个方面对产业竞争力进行评价,由此构建出一个装备制造业竞争力的评价模型。
Thus even as the state invests less in industrial capacity, it will need to spend more on social security, including health care, pensions, housing and poverty relief. 因此当国家对工业生产力的投资减少的时候,它还须加大在社保,包括医疗、退休金、住房和扶贫等方面的投入。
However, a new surge in investment carries its own risks, especially in an economy suffering from too much industrial capacity. 不过,投资再度猛增本身带有风险,尤其是在经济面临工业产能过剩问题困扰的情况下。
First, the country has recorded balanced supply of farm produce and a surplus in good years. There is an overall surplus of industrial production capacity, which can meet the commodity demands of farmers migrating to cities. 一是农产品供求平衡,丰年有余,工业生产能力普遍过剩,能够满足农民进入城镇的各类商品需求。
China could face a protectionist backlash next year because of a huge over-expansion of industrial capacity in recent months that may lead to a surge in cheap exports, a European business group said yesterday. 一个欧洲商业组织昨日表示,中国最近数月工业产能大量过度扩张,或将导致廉价出口商品猛增,这可能使中国明年面对贸易保护主义反弹。
For the past decade, Sudan rested on petrol-fuelled economy, leaving its industrial capacity and other factors of economy spoiled. 在过去的十多年中,苏丹基本完全依赖于石油,工业设施和其他经济部分都被荒废了。
Good results were achieved in eliminating outmoded industrial production capacity, reducing excess production capacity and upgrading technology in key enterprises. 淘汰落后和压缩过剩工业生产能力取得成效,重点企业技术改造不断推进。
The sharp rise in China's current account surplus since the early 2000s was accompanied by a similar spike in the savings rate over the past decade, which has helped drive booming investment in industrial capacity. 中国经常项目盈余自2000年以来大幅增长,与此同时,储蓄率在这十年内也同样大幅攀升,这在一定程度上造成了工业产能投资猛增。
The present status and trend of demands and industrial capacity of PVC in domestic and abroad, and technical development of PVC production were discussed. 评述了世界和中国聚氯乙烯工业产能和需求市场发展现状与趋势以及聚氯乙烯生产的技术进展。
These six factors organize the economic analyses paradigm of the source of industrial competitive capacity. 这六个因素构成了产业竞争力来源的经济分析范式。
This dissertation, on the basis of related theories of China's aerospace industrial competitive capacity, elaborates the basic connotation of aerospace industry, its development course, technical characteristics and economic characteristics from the economic point of view. 本文围绕中国航天产业竞争力的有关理论问题,从经济学角度阐述了航天产业的基本内涵,发展历程,技术特性和经济特性。
The present status and trend of demands and industrial capacity of PVC in domestic and abroad, and technical development of PVC production were discussed. The production situation, technology, application and market prospect of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride are introduced in this paper. 介绍了氯化聚氯乙烯的生产情况、工艺技术、产品应用以及市场供求情况,分析了该产品的价格趋势及竞争能力,对发展我国氯化聚氯乙烯工业提出了建议。
Due to the inability to process these resources to finished goods has resulted to a hindrance in the promotion of intra-trade in Africa, which translates to the lack of industrial capacity for diversified manufactured goods to support trade within regional markets. 由于缺乏将这些资源转化为制成品的能力,这导致非洲内部贸易的欠缺。
Second, it is an urgent need for upgrading industrial technology capacity and realizing industrial self-development. 其次,产业技术创新平台是提升产业技术能力实现产业自主发展的迫切需要。
With most industrial products in the production technology, product quality, functionality, marketing and other aspects of the case gradually narrowing the gap with market competition, product innovation and design features of the industrial capacity development across the enterprise gradually occupy an important position. 随着大多数工业产品在生产技术、产品质量、使用功能、行销方式等方面差距逐渐缩小情况下,具有市场竞争特征的工业产品创新设计能力在整个企业发展中逐渐占据了重要地位。
After 10 years in the analysis of the development of the western, the conversion has been fully equipped with the industrial capacity and conditions, including the three parts discussed. 在分析西部地区经过10余年的开发之后,已经完全具备了产业转换的能力和条件,包括三部分进行论述。
In the discussion of the problem about industrial capacity and capacity utilization rate, there are three perspectives: enterprise perspective, enterprises ( industries, regions) comparative perspective and macroeconomic management perspective. 对工业产能和产能利用率问题的研讨,国内外学者主要存在三个视角:企业内部视角、企业(行业、地区)比较视角和宏观经济管理视角。
The advanced experience from abroad, beans feature reflected in the futures market can improve the economic benefits of industrial chain, and enhance industrial capacity to resist risks, among different segments of the industry chain lubrication friction. 从国外先进经验来看,豆类期货市场的功能体现在能够提高产业链各个环节的经济效益,增强产业抵抗风险能力,润滑产业链不同环节间摩擦等。
Based on macroeconomic management perspective, people focus on industrial capacity utilization level, existence of industrial excess capacity and degree of excess capacity, causes and governance measures of excess capacity, and how to determine and monitor industrial excess capacity. 基于宏观经济管理视角,人们关注工业产能利用的水平、是否存在工业产能过剩及其过剩的程度、产能过剩的产生原因及其调控方式,以及如何判断和监测工业产能过剩的情况。
This is mainly related to geographic location, traffic conditions, industrial strategy, industrial structure, level of productivity, industrial gather capacity, preferential policies and other factors. 这主要和各个省份市场的地理区位和交通条件、产业战略和产业结构、生产力水平、产业集聚能力、政策倾斜等因素有关。
Enterprise innovation capability is the cornerstone of industrial innovation capacity and the whole national innovation capacity. 企业的创新能力是产业创新能力乃至整个国家创新能力的基石。
Considering protecting the strategic resource, China government is engaging in upgrading the industrial structure by eliminating the factories that are equipped with outdated industrial capacity and caused heavy environmental pollution, and encouraging energy conservation, efficient production, low consumption and fine chemical industry. 作为战略资源,磷需要保护,国家开始进行产业升级调整,淘汰落后产能,淘汰环境污染严重的企业,鼓励节能减排,高效低耗,精细化工发展。
There are three key decision factors for the industrial clusters capacity, i.e. business model, stock and incremental of knowledge, skills formation. 提出了产业集群能力的三个关键决定要素,即商业模式、知识存量与增量、技能形成等。